Highlights of Burumin Room:

Our educators in babies’ room are qualified early learning professionals who are experienced in caring for babies. We recognise the importance of building secure attachments through individualised care routines and nurturing care practices in an environment that is responsive to each child’s interests, strengths, and abilities.

Learning Through Play Curriculum:

The babies room follows a play-based emergent curriculum. We focus on the social and emotional development of each child and ensure that all children’s needs are met.

Our educators work in partnerships with families to provide a consistent routine for the children between home and the room.

play rooms - Kradle 2 Krayons Early Learning Centre, Pendle Hill
Burumin babies room - Kradle 2 Krayons Early Learning Centre, Pendle Hill

Relaxing and Nurturing Learning Environment:

Burumin’s room environment is carefully designed to offer babies a calm and relaxed environment with lots of different experiences to explore.

With lots of age-appropriate toys, calming neutral colours and natural materials, we aim to make our services feel like a welcoming home away from home.

Caring and Supporting Educators:

Our educators promote lengthy periods of one-to-one time where babies and educators engage in uninterrupted play with lots of physical support as they pursue interests together, using a wide range of learning resources and teaching strategies.

Our educators also provide the children with plenty of opportunities to build on their physical strength and motor coordination, fine and gross motor skills, hand/eye and eye/foot coordination and full body movement.

Childcare fun - Learning and growing ready for school - Kradle 2 Krayons Early Learning Centre, Pendle Hill

Come and check out our high quality centre